Wow, is this really it, the last day of the Challenge? I'm sad but happy I participated in posting from A to Z along with a slew of other fabulous bloggers. Nice job, all! Pat yourself on the back. :D
With one last letter to blog about, I conclude with smiles brought to you by the letter Z; it stands for...
- According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, Zen is defined as: "a Japanese sect of Mahayana Buddhism that aims at enlightenment by direct intuition through meditation."
- I also like how Urban Dictionary defines Zen: "One way to think of zen is this: a total state of focus that incorporates a total togetherness of body and mind. Zen is a way of being. It also is a state of mind. Zen involves dropping illusion and seeing things without distortion created by your own thoughts." It also continues with this definition: "Complete and absolute peace."
My zen-like focus is peace. Peace is something difficult for me to access. Why? My mind is flying around a 228mph and I am in such a rush that I fail to slow down and smell the flowers and take pleasure in the moment. I think this is a reason for why I enjoy the outdoors and traveling; I can slow down and relish in what really matters and the beauty of the world.
Julia finding her inner zen at a monastery in Xian, China.
Those moments of my life when I have felt a measure of peace have come in a variety of ways: while attending religious meetings, being in nature, before I go to bed when I can slow down my mind, and while praying. I smile in those moments where I can cast away my worries and focus on the now, the zen-like letting go of me and absorbing the refreshing feeling of revelation and/or peace.
Love it!
How do you feel zen/peace? Starting with the letter Z, what makes you smile?
Love you all. Thanks for stopping by my blog this month. I hope to continue building great relationships with y'all through our blogging/writing adventures. :)
Writing Jewels
PS: Refer to the blurb on the very top of my blogs sidebar to know why I am posting about what makes me smile. Go forward and smile!