Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Smiling all the Way From A to Z -- H

We are to the letter H for this awesome blogging challenge. The thing that makes me smile that starts with the letter H is...
Oh my gosh, I love hugs. What more can I say than a hug is so tender, so beautiful, it could break down any barrier. It draws two people close together in order to show, even just for a moment, friendship or all the way to intense love. I think this world might just be a better place if more embraces were offered and accepted.

Hershey's Hugs might be a nice alternative if you don't like giving people hugs. Just saying...

Here's me sending you all virtual hugs --> *OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO*

Are you a hugger? Would you rather receive or give out Hershey's Hugs candy? And starting with the letter H, what makes you smile?
Writing Jewels

PS: Refer to the blurb on the very top of my blogs sidebar to know why I am posting about what makes me smile. Go forward and smile!


  1. I thought the X was a hug. XOXO means hugs kiss right?

    1. XOXO stands for hugs kiss. The O stands for hugs though. I get em confused too. :)

  2. Hello, Julia! I love hugs, too! A hug makes me feel better especially when I'm in the arms of someone I love, respect, and trust. Hugs are scientifically proven to have good healthy benefits, too. Shel Silverstein got it right with his Hug O'War Poem: http://allpoetry.com/poem/8538953-Hug_OWar-by-Shel_Silverstein

    Happy hugging!!

    Happy A to Z-ing! from Laura Marcella @ Wavy Lines

  3. I used to be a hugger in college. After I got married, though, hugs became a lot more special--something I really only give to those closest to me. Most of my hugs are reserved for my wife and kids. I will reciprocate a hug if given, and I appreciate the sentiment expressed, but I'm not as comfortable receiving them from people I'm not close to as I used to be.

    Now, when it comes to Hershey's hugs--I'll take those from anyone. Kisses too! :) An H-word that makes me smile? Holidays. :D

    1. Yay for holidays! I'm sending you a virtual Hershey's Hug and Kiss. :)

  4. I'm not much of a hugger (except for family and close friends). I'll take the chocolate, though! LOL

  5. It took me a long time to get used to hugs. I kinda have a larger personal space. Family are the exception though. I have a hugging family.

    1. Yeah, if a complete stranger came up to me and hugged me, I think I'd be freaked. haha

  6. Yes, I am a hugger although I haven't always been a hugger. It's something that grows on you as you get older, I guess.

    1. I think I've always been a hugger because I enjoy human touch. It is soothing.

  7. X means kiss, O means hug.
    I used to not be a hugger, but everyone at my church is, so I finally got used to it.

    1. Some things ya just gotta get used to. Thanks for the XO clarification. :)

  8. Hugs are the best thing in the world. I am a huge hugger!

  9. I'm not much of a hugger, except with people I'm close to. It's always weird when someone I know casually just hugs me. But then again that's just me.

    1. Sometimes hugs can be construed to mean you are closer to someone than you really are. IE: guys hugging me... I have no idea if they like me or not. I'll never understand men and their ways. haha

  10. Hugs are great but, beings I'm big, and scary looking, I'd probably give the candy.
    Shawn at Laughing at Life 2

    1. Your comment cracked me up. Thanks for stopping by, Shawn!

  11. I do love hugs, but I'm not a touch person. I don't like to be touched, really at all. But when I do want a hug, I really love hugs. :)

  12. I wrote about hugs too!! I just love them so!!! Good to find another like minded person!


    Valerie Nunez and the Flying Platypi

    1. Great minds think alike. :) Thanks for stopping by!

  13. I'm straightforward: Hugs from people I know well, no close touching if I don't know you. :)

    A hug from a family member, though, always makes me smile.
