Friday, December 9, 2011

Call the Presses: Phenomenal News!!!

I'm officially letting the cat out of the bag (sorry for the lame cliche). I've had this news for a while, but have been holding off telling anyone until . . .


Julia King (aka: Writing Jewels) . . . Oh my gosh, I'm writing in the third person. Let me start that over again.

I, as in me, have a literary agent!!!

It all happened on a dark and stormy night when the phone rang . . . Just kidding, but a great start to a wicked awesome story of two years in the making.

I am represented by the lovely Lauren Hammond of ADA Entertainment Group. I feel so blessed to have an agent love my book, FÉLICITÉ FOUND, enough to help me get it into the hands of publishing houses. 

Thanks to all my family, friends, tweeps, co-workers, followers, and all the cute puppies in the world for your support. You've helped me get here. I appreciate my dearest parents for putting up with my writing journey. They are brilliant!

I feel like I won an Oscar Award by thanking so many people!

I want to thank Lauren so much for having faith in my writing skills. It means the world. Merci Beaucoup!

I'm so happy! But I wish all those who are querying agents great luck! Keep on going! There's light at the end of the tunnel! You can do it! Mwah!

Writing. Jewels. Out.


  1. This is much better news than a new frozen peas recipe! (The jury is still out on the fruity pebbles.) However, I was not surprised, I see many good things coming your way. You're a hardworking writer and great person and I'm proud to be associated with you.

  2. Congratulations to you, Julia. I wish you the best of luck!! =)

  3. That's awesome! And Lauren will take excellent care of you. A great champion to have in your corner!

  4. :) YEP!!! That is my AWESOME Friend!!! So excited and proud of you!!!! :)

  5. Thanks everyone! I'm sooooo happy! Can't stop smiling! Mwah!

  6. Congratulations!!!

    I only started editing my novel. I'm so far behind.

  7. John - Keep on editing! Work hard and you'll get there!

  8. Oh wow, Julia!! Congratulations!!! That is such awesome and fantastic news! I'm SO excited for you!! *throws confetti and tiny sparkly stars*

  9. Thanks for the throwing of confetti - Kristin!

    Everyone keep on querying! Be patient! Never let go of hope!

  10. Wahoo!!!!! Such awesome news!!! But where is the story?? Story! Gimme story!!!



    Congratulations you! So happy for you!

  12. Very good! I'm proud of you and make sure I get an autographed copy.

  13. I so meant to stop by earlier! You know how super proud of you I am, Jules!! Congrats!!! It took all of my will power not to blurt it out early, but we both managed to keep our lips sealed! That's an amazing thing!! *hugs* Congrats!! Can't wait to have a printed copy of FF soon!! *throws confetti & starts the party!* :)

  14. Verrrry happy for you, gorgeous! Can't wait to see what the future holds! ;)

  15. Congrats to you Julia! I am so excited for you. I am finishing up a novel of my own right now. I would love to hear any tips on the grounds of finding an agent. Big hugs!

  16. Oh my goodness! Doing the Macarena in your honor (or is that just because I'm a little loony). Fabulous news! Bask in your own sunshine for a bit, girlfriend.

  17. "Congratulations" just does not suffice.

    But you are so deserving of this. I knew, I knew, it was only a matter of time, my friend.

    And Morgs...the future?

    It holds places for three published Authors.


  18. Awesome news! You'll be floating for a while! Best of luck in the future:)

  19. Congrats! It gives me hope for my writing career!

  20. Congratulations! That is amazing! Now I am definitely going to be looking for your book on the shelves! :)

  21. Congrats! I'm so happy for you. That's not an easy accomplishment but girl you DID it!! Good Luck in everything! 8-) <3

  22. Congratulations, good news all around!
