Wednesday, August 7, 2013

IWSG: Taking that Terrifying Leap

Hi there, fellow IWSGers, friends, and followers alike. Alex J. Cavanaugh hosts Insecure Writers' Support Group. It is a fantastic place to find support from other writers; they may just have the same insecurities as you. It is a great venue to vent or to share writerly wisdom.
Today, I'd like to discuss my insecurity that the general public will reject my words. See, I am going to be releasing my book Félicité Found as a self-published work. I don't have a publisher backing me up. I just have me and me alone. It is freaky to take this step with hopes that all my hard work will shine through as a quality product. However, I know if I don't follow my heart and have confidence in my story, then I will regret it. So, as a friend of mine recently taught me: "Live life with no regrets." I guess here's taking that terrfying leap into the unknown. It's my story and I love it. And that's all that matters!

Come Monday, August 12, 2013, you'll be able to purchase my first baby, Félicité Found. And there will be a blog tour going on, to boot. Here's the tour schedule:
Monday, August 12: Sara Bowers
Tuesday, August 13: Elise Fallson
Wednesday, August 14: Jolene Perry
Thursday, August 15: Nick Wilford
Friday, August 16: Rebekah Callor Grow
A thousand thanks for their willingness to participate. There will be some fun content each day and a chance to win a paperback copy of the book!
See you then and hugs.

Also, do you have similar insecurities about your writing?
Writing Jewels


  1. And if you don't do it, you'll never know - so go for it!
    Will do a big announcement for you Monday.

  2. YEAH!!!! Julia, I've been away, but I'm so happy to see you take this leap. I was just telling my daughter that I'm going to try my hand at really writing a novel....I've done a self published picture books for kids, but that was years ago!

    I will definitely do a shout out on Monday.

    1. You can do it, Julia. Write your stories. It is an amazing gift. :D Thanks in advance for offering your the shout out!

  3. I think all writers face that fear, not only the fear of rejection but the fear of 'meh'. The fear that our words will make it out there but that no one will care enough to love or hate them. That they will be looked over without a glance. Still, we must keep trying. If we reach only on person then we are better off than before.

    1. Yes, that "meh" would be terrible. I'd just like to inspire others to read, so if one person is inspired that's all that matters.

  4. Kudos to you! This takes courage for sure, and I'm so excited learn more about your book. Best wishes on the launch.

  5. I'm so proud of you!!! I've been toying with the idea of self-publishing. So many of my rejections have been "there's just a lot of this out there. sorry!" but my readers are so enthusiastic. I dunno.

    I'm proud of you, I'm happy to buy your book, and I wish you all kinds of luck and fairy wishes and whatever.

  6. That's the scary part of self-publishing. There will be ups and downs, but there are many more ups than downs. Taking your work and your career in your hands is scary but freeing. I wish you the best!

  7. Better to crash and burn then to never try, at least figuratively speaking.

  8. Good for you for making the leap. If the story is anywhere near as good as the cover, you've got nothing to worry about. ;)

    August co-host and IWSG #110

    1. Golly, thanks for your kind words. I appreciate them!

  9. Ah, yes; Alex and his IWSG. Truth is, I'm such an insecure writer that I've never posted anything there. Perhaps next time.

    In the meantime, I can do without the crash-burn-die. Too much like real life.

    Blessings and Bear hugs!
    Bears Noting
    Life in the Urban Forest (poetry)

  10. That first book is always the scariest. If you know you wrote it the best way possible, then release it with confidence.

  11. HI, Julia,

    I am SO familiar with that LEAP! I took one myself last week and it worked out well. It will for you TOO!!!! CONGRATS on your work and ALL THE BEST with you book!!!

    Will definitely drop by for your tour.... GOOD LUCK!!!!!!

  12. No worries Julia :)

    PS: So loving your willingness to not accept the rules of others and to forge a path that's right for YOU :)

    Should I ever cross that (your) road, you know I'm going to be havin' my people call your people to get the inside scoop :)

  13. I know exactly what you mean! When I was with my publisher, I felt like I had a safety net beneath me. Now I feel like it's been replaced with sharks! LOL

    We'll make it, though. We're tough gals. ;)

