Friday, April 27, 2012

Writing Tools: Well Not Really...

Just some quick business: I'm sorry I've been behind on checking out other blogs, especially those of my "Blog Roadies", if you will. Been a bit busy with revisions. I still love you and appreciate your comments and page views. Mwah!

Ok, now to today's topic. As I worked on revisions last night, I noticed of all the things I have scattered on my desk.

Here's the list:
  • Waterbottle full of ice water - I drink H2O like an alcoholic
  • Pen and paper - for notes and to write down songs I like on Pandora to buy off iTunes later
  • Chapstick - my lips get chapped easily. Ok, I'm addicted to the stuff
  • Some munchies - candy or fruit but most likely candy
  • My iPhone -  just in case someone texts or tweets me so I can respond--I don't answer phone calls, though. Sorry ----> Voicemail
  • My iPhone again - just in case I want to listen to my tunes on it
  • Skull Candy ear buds - they help me to drown out the noises around me so I can focus
  • And I always wear pajamas while writing/revising/editing - gotta be comfy, for sure.

I have all these things at my reach so I'm not distracted. If only I could have the toilet right there... Uh . . . TMI.

New subject: How about those Dodgers, eh? 

So, what do you have at hand while you are writing?  

PS: Don't ask me how Yoda relates to this post... The pic came up when I searched Google images for cluttered desks. It was way too cool not to put on this post. Haha Maybe you can come up with a great idea for how Yoda relates to what writer's have on their desks. Bring it.


Writing. Jewels.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Overload: Too Many Ideas

So, I've got the following writing projects planned for the future:
  • WIP: Urban Fantasy Trilogy, BOUND
  • YA Distopian
  • YA SciFi
  • YA Paranormal/Urban Fantasy
  • YA Paranormal
And yes, all the ideas are festering in my brain, begging and pleading to be born. Ugh! Like last Wednesday, the idea for my YA Distopian bloomed from a basic premise to the major conflict that will push the story forward. With all my soul, I'm eager to start writing it.

But, first things first... FÉLICITÉ FOUND and BOUND (No relation--both are separate ideas.  FF is a stand-alone).

I can push the thoughts away, but when a huge breakthrough for a book surfaces, as happened last week, I want to place my current projects on the back burner to enjoy the creation of a new world. Stuffing the desire away, I drive my focus back to the important project--the current one. Because if I don't get it perfected, then I will never progress to becoming an established author.

I look forward to the future when I can write full-time. Then, I'll have more time to dedicate to a current project so eventually I can dig in deep to future projects.

The trick is to keep your eye on the present--that beautiful creature you are/have developed. Otherwise, you'll never finish it. On your shelf will rest half written stories. So, as the saying states: keep your eye on the ball . . .

Or, umm, story in our case.

So, I pose the question, do you fight against ideas that desperately want to be written? Do you have only one idea to write at a time? Do they make you go crazy because of their tempting power to type them into reality? How do you suppress them into the recesses of your mind?

Writing. Jewels.

Friday, April 20, 2012


For the most part, I have terrible penmanship. This is probably why I type things out. Plus, after writing by hand for a while, my poor fingers hurt and that little bump on my right ring finger from where I hold my pen gets bigger. Totally don't want that blemish to look worse. haha

Okay, it's not that bad. Sort of looks cool.

Anyway, I noticed today while I was at work that some data I wrote by hand looked all sorts of pretty. I was taking time to keep it easy to decipher. Of course, I don't do that all the time. I can't be bothered to take too much time. What can I say: I'm impatient.

Have you ever had the moment where you can't read your own handwriting? Well, I have that all the time. Maybe it's because I have a rebel personality. If I don't think something is beneficial to me then I won't do it.

Example: When I learned how to write in cursive, I thought it was super pointless. Therefore, I stopped working hard on it. I still can't write a "Z" in cursive. Sad, huh?

Well, this can't be done when writing a story... Unless if it's the rough draft stage. At that point, it's best just to get the story on the page (at least that's my opinion). It's way important to look at the details, make sure you are using the right words, the write punctuation, showing/not telling, etc... It's not something you can do halfway; you must have complete dedication to your story.

In the past, I don't think I've been as invested in my stories as I should have been. This may be why it has taken me so blasted long to get where I am... And I still have a long way to travel.

Well, what I'm getting at is, when you are writing, put your whole heart and soul into the product. Read through sentences over and over again until you feel it is perfect. Make sure all the emotion of the moment is flooding through the words. It takes time but is well-worth it.

So, how is your penmanship? What is your advice on putting you whole heart and soul into what you write?

Writing. Jewels.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Writing: When the Stars Align

I started writing my first book, FÉLICITÉ FOUND, in December 2009. Yes, forever ago, right? At that time, I had absolutely no clue how to write fiction. Creative writing was never second-nature to me. All I knew was research papers that I had to write during college. Bluh... more like slaved over. So not fun.

Over the last two and a half years, I've learned A LOT about fiction!

I wish that I'd have started out with the knowledge I have now. It would have made the process simpler. I've gone through FÉLICITÉ FOUND countless times, probably more times than can be counted on my fingers and toes. Ugh! There have been times that I've despised it. Then the love of my beautiful, cherished lovely swells in my chest again.

Like right now, I'm doing some extensive revisions on her. And after every paragraph, I fall all the more deeply in love with it that I squeal. Yes, literally squee out loud. My roommates probably wonder what the devil is wrong with me.

Any who, I think I'm finally getting it. It seems like something has clicked in this brain of mine. The elements that are so crucial to writing a super great book are clear. And I adore writing more than ever since I typed out Félicité’s first word. But, I know I will continue to get better.

Precious, huh?

Anyway, when did you have the clicking moment where the stars aligned and you felt like you understood how to really write a story? Have you ever fallen out of love with your story? When did you start to adore it again? What triggered that fantastic moment of love?

Writing. Jewels.

PS: I want to shout out a SUPER HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my Mama Mia. I love you soooooo much, Mommy. You're an angel.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Just Write!

Another Friday the Thirteenth is upon us... Are you scared? I'm not because I'm invincible. Seriously, have never broken a bone or had a cavity in my life. 

*Knocks on wood repeatedly while praying to the I don't want to have a broken bone or cavity gods*

Not to say that I haven't sprained my ankles or had a black eye. What can I say, I'm a klutz at heart. This is probably why I have never gone skiing or snowboarding. My tender head would be the part of my body knocking on wood in that case.


Well, where is this all going? I have no idea. To be honest, I haven't a clue what to write for today's post, so I'm winging it all the way. My first thought as I opened up a new post screen was Friday the Thirteenth. Thus, that is where I started. Now, I'm all the way to the very word I'm typing right now. Granted, by the time you read this word it will have been hours, maybe even days or weeks after my fingers have plucked the word out on the screen.

But, alas, I think I have a point to all my ramblings:

When you have no idea what to write...


See, I didn't know where to take my blog post today, but one little idea has actually turned into something that really has writing value to it. Something to help all of us crazy authors escape from icky writer's block and move forward with our stories.

Anyway, currently, I'm doing some major revisions on one of my books. Instead of stewing over how to edit it and staring wide-eyed at the computer screen, I take a proactive approach by going for it. Just Do It! I write. Take out what I don't like. And go over it again to make sure.  

Because, guys and girls, I'm determined. I WILL be published. And with every click of the keyboard, I'm one letter closer.

So, my advice on this not-so-scary Friday the Thirteenth is:


*BAM* *POW* *BANG* or *BOO*

What are your thoughts on this subject? Or you can talk about Friday the Thirteenth. Or whatever you feel like writing because all you need to do is WRITE! And your comment will start to flow. Or story. :D

Writing. Jewels.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

SPECTRAL by Shannon Duffy

My super good friend and author, Shannon Duffy's book was released last week. It's called SPECTRAL.

You can find out more about Shannon and her book at the SPECTRAL Blog. Or run over to Shannon's website.

Here's the book's blurb from Goodreads:

Convinced she’s a part of the witness protection program, sixteen-year-old Jewel Rose is shuffled around the globe with her family like a pack of traveling gypsies. After arriving at lucky home twenty-seven, she stumbles upon a mysterious boy with magical powers claiming to be her guardian . . . and warning of imminent danger. Despite the obvious sparks between them, Jewel discovers a relationship is forbidden, and the more she learns about dark, brooding Roman, she begins to question who she can even believe—the family who raised her, or the supposed sworn protector who claims they’ve been lying to her all along.

As she struggles to uncover who her family has really been running from, she is forced to hide her birthmark that reveals who she is. With new realities surfacing, unexplained powers appearing, and two tempting boys vying for her heart, Jewel battles to learn who she can trust in an ever growing sea of lies, hoping she’ll make it through her seventeenth birthday alive.

Check out the SPECTRAL Blog Tour here!

I want to thank Shannon for helping me hone in my writing. She's a star plus a zillion universes. I wish her great luck with her author career. You're beautiful.

Make sure you buy her book! 

Are there any books you are excited about being released? Do tell!

Writing. Jewels.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Birthdays: I Love Them

Attention: You must read the bottom paragraph of this post and do as asked! :D

So I'm turning 30 today. 30, really? Man, I feel old. Not really.

My day's party plans: Sleeping in a bit. Going into work late. Dinner at The Cheesecake Factory, my favorite restaurant. And Laser U2. Totally awesome laser light show set to U2 music.

So, I've done so much over these many years. These things have made me super happy. Let me count them.... (Bragging moment--humor me)

Traveled To: 30 U.S. States, Canada twice, England twice, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, France, Germany, Italy, South Korea, Taiwan, and China. And more to come.....

Accomplishments: high school and university graduate, served a mission in Taiwan for the church I'm a member of (learned Mandarin Chinese for it), written two books, and bought a car (I own about 3/4 of it now. Woot!).

Fun Things I've Done: Lived abroad a couple times. Have had many employment opportunities. Backpacked the Grand Canyon, Grand Tetons, and Zions National Park. Been to 30+ concerts. Seen U2 four times in concert. Seen Bono's house in Ireland (Ok, I'm obsessed with U2). Eaten a lot of weird food. Eaten a lot of great food.

Things I've Learned: To love books and words. To never give up. To take a risk. To smell the flowers. Love, Love, and Love some more (people, places, food, animals, especially dogs, etc).

There are many things I could add to this list, but I can't think of them right now....

*Swiss cheese mind attacks again*

I'm happy with where my life has led me.

Well, I'm going to be super on the give me, give me, give me side. I want to get tons and tons of birthday happy wishes on this post. So, start posting and tweeting my blog post, FB it, Blog it. Just get me those Happy Birthday comments! I want to feel loved on this my 30th Birthday! :D Not that I don't feel loved already. :)

Writing. Jewels.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Month of April Goals

First of all, I need to give you the update of how my Month of March Goals panned out!

March Goals:
  • Finish another round of edits/revisions of my WIP and hand it off to CP's CHECK (Went well. I'm on my way with my WIP--BOUND)
  • Participate in the second I'm a Platform-Building Campaigner Challenge CHECK (This turned out to be sooooo fun. The flash fiction I wrote has actually inspired a future writing project--bring on some sci-fi. Check it out here!)
  • Finish reading Forest Born by Shannon Hale CHECK (Great book!)
  • Read Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver (Still working on it--Pretty far in though)
  • Go see The Hunger Games on March 23 at 8:30PM (yes, I've already got tickets) CHECK (Loved it)
  • Have a supercool St. Patrick's Day party. It's my favorite holiday. :D I'll call this one a check even though I cancelled the party due to feeling sick. Phooey!
  • Not go crazy while waiting to hear back from editors as my book, FÉLICITÉ FOUND, is on submission No check... what kind of person wouldn't go crazy waiting for a pub deal? Anyone? haha
Now for my Month of April Goals:
  • Have a super awesome 30th Birthday!
  • Try not to get depressed for not being married by my 30th Birthday
  • Finish Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver
  • Finish a revision of my book, FÉLICITÉ FOUND
  • Complete an edit of my WIP, BOUND
  • Will not buy any clothing *crossing fingers*
  • Read The Carrier of the Mark by Leigh Fallon
How are your goals going? What are your Month of April goals?

Writing. Jewels.