Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Overload: Too Many Ideas

So, I've got the following writing projects planned for the future:
  • WIP: Urban Fantasy Trilogy, BOUND
  • YA Distopian
  • YA SciFi
  • YA Paranormal/Urban Fantasy
  • YA Paranormal
And yes, all the ideas are festering in my brain, begging and pleading to be born. Ugh! Like last Wednesday, the idea for my YA Distopian bloomed from a basic premise to the major conflict that will push the story forward. With all my soul, I'm eager to start writing it.

But, first things first... FÉLICITÉ FOUND and BOUND (No relation--both are separate ideas.  FF is a stand-alone).

I can push the thoughts away, but when a huge breakthrough for a book surfaces, as happened last week, I want to place my current projects on the back burner to enjoy the creation of a new world. Stuffing the desire away, I drive my focus back to the important project--the current one. Because if I don't get it perfected, then I will never progress to becoming an established author.

I look forward to the future when I can write full-time. Then, I'll have more time to dedicate to a current project so eventually I can dig in deep to future projects.

The trick is to keep your eye on the present--that beautiful creature you are/have developed. Otherwise, you'll never finish it. On your shelf will rest half written stories. So, as the saying states: keep your eye on the ball . . .

Or, umm, story in our case.

So, I pose the question, do you fight against ideas that desperately want to be written? Do you have only one idea to write at a time? Do they make you go crazy because of their tempting power to type them into reality? How do you suppress them into the recesses of your mind?

Writing. Jewels.


  1. For the most part the other ideas simmer in the back of my mind. When something very vivid erupts I'll break from my WIP to sketch it out then back to the WIP for me. I have a bunch of documents with story ideas for the future but, like you, I want to progress and get published so I stay pretty focused.

    1. You have encouraged me to at least write out a brief synopsis of my other ideas. They are all stored in my brain. Good thinking. :D

  2. Sometimes I write several things at once, but if it's a big project and not just something short and sweet, I think it's important for me to put all my efforts into it. I was working really well on my contemporary historical WIP (the third book in what I decided should be another family saga instead of a standalone), but then I started doing edits on the first book, and more edits on my Russian historical novel, and then I was inspired for my current WIP, which I'm expanding from a very long short story/piece of backstory. Once I'm done with my current WIP, I'll get back to the other WIP.

    I think it's easier for me since I have such a voluminous memory and keep entire books and storylines memorized backwards and forwards in my head for years. Case in point: I had the basic outline of my Russian novel sequel stored in my head for what amounts to about half of my life, with an outline/notes of the basics of each chapter I wrote down in 2001, shortly after finally finishing the first book. And those notes were written about 5-6 years after the idea for a sequel came together in my head.

    1. I wonder how many more ideas I will have in my head before I actually get to the ones on my list. Sheesh! This could be crazy. :D I am glad you can keep them all alive in your mind. I'm trying to do that, but probably should write em down in a page or two just in case. :D

  3. I started one, then had the explosion of ideas at you're talking about. Seriously, major dystopian trilogy, steampunk trilogy (that is going to be my BABY, I am so in love with this story!!!) and at least two more contemporary YA stories. After getting the major ideas down, I went back to the first story.

    I agree with you: I need to get published and established before I can justify spending all my free time at my keyboard. There has to be a reason, IMO :)

    1. First of all, what does IMO stand for? haha I should just google it. I'm terrible with all those things.

      Secondly, a steampunk trilogy? That's AWESOME!!!! I've read some steampunk books and rather enjoyed them. A different style indeed. Don't know if I'd be able to peg it down right, tho.

      You rock. :D

  4. Write now I am lucky enough to be focused on current WIP. But I remember trying to come up with this story and it felt like a million different ideas were invading my brain. It's hard when that happens. Hard to know which to choose! Oh, the possibilities!

    1. Isn't there a Dr. Suess book with that in the title or something... "Oh, the possibilities." Maybe it's "Oh, the things you can do..."??? Haha

      But really, ideas just bubble up in our minds. It is like living with a couple universes in my brain. :D

  5. While I have ideas spinning in my head, I also try to concentrate on my WIP because that is the one that requires my full attention right now. Once it starts moving in the right direction, I might work on others as well. Having said that, my writing partner and I are also throwing out ideas for a new mutual project.
    But yes, sometimes it is hard to stay focused on one idea :)

    1. Yep, when I finished up edits on my first book, I started straight away with my WIP. It was fun to shift gears to another idea.

      That's super neat writing a mutual project. I wonder if I ever could do something like that. Wouldn't even know where to start with that kind of experience. Good luck and have fun with it.

  6. I always have lots of ideas, although usually only one at a time catches fire. Since I love to spend time dreaming and imagining, I always keep the others simmering while I focus on one. Then when I have the time or just feel like working on something else I bring up one of the others.

    Just be firm with them. Make sure they know it's one at a time :)

    1. I love your last two sentences. Yes! We must talk to them as if they are a child. They can't get what they want straight away. Patience, little one. Patience.

  7. Absolutely! When I get a great idea, I tend to write a chapter or two, then let it sit until I can come back. I have about five other projects started, but I'm still writing my YA contemporary romance right now. If only we could clone ourselves...

    Good luck getting to them all!

    1. Great idea: Author cloning! I'd be afraid my clone would mess things up. haha I'm not great a deligation. *shakes head*

  8. I'm a massive note maker! My story ideas (I also write for an online newspaper) come in all shapes and forms so I quickly run for a piece of paper and a pen. I have a notepad in my car and have been known to pull over and write down an opening sentence or sentences. Then, I go back to it all and finish. Slowly. :) There just isn't enough time in a day.
    A2ZMommy and What’s In Between

    1. Welcome to my blog, Tracy. I will definitely stop by yours.

      Likewise, I'm super busy so I don't have as much time as I'd like to write. I keep all my ideas in my head... I should write them down. I might get pulled into them though. But better to be safe than sorry.

  9. I have two ideas going right now, but I'll only write one book at a time. I keep my notes for the one I'm putting aside though and add to it as more ideas come.

    1. With all of these comments, it sounds like most of you keep notes for other ideas. I should start doing that. It would help to stop floating around in my head so much. haha
