Tuesday, June 5, 2012

What I Really Want

So, my big post for this week will go up tomorrow. I've joined "The Insecure Writer's Support Group", hosted by Alex Cavanaugh, author and blogger extraordinaire. For more information about the group click here. Stop by tomorrow to see what I post.

As for today, I'm going to post about the things I really want.
  • To bask in the sun on the Cinque Terre
  • Something sweet to eat (must include chocolate). I'm almost done with my 21 day no sweets goal. 16/21 down. But I said in my month of June goals that I wouldn't eat sweets this month. I'll see what happens
  • A boyfriend who will end up as my hubs
  • To go on a really long trip across the world and back
  • To get a publisher. Sigh
  • To have laser eye surgery. Twice in as many weeks, I've taken out my left contact and it has somehow gotten itself stuck behind my eye. Freaky
  • To write full-time. Sigh again
  • To be a New York Times Bestselling Author (it WILL happen, mark my words). Super sigh
  • To be a mommy
  • To travel some more
  • To finally have my own doggies
  • To be financially secure
  • To figure out what I'm going to do come September
So, what do you really want?

Writing. Jewels.


  1. The contact lens thing hurts just reading it!
    A publisher will come, just don't give up.
    And glad you are on board for the IWSG!

    1. I hope I don't make anyone sick with my contact lens comment. haha Yes, a publisher will ride in on their white horse very soon. Very, very, very soon. :D

      I'm excited for IWSG! Thanks for hosting it. :D

  2. I could go for all your writing related goals. To have an unlimited book allowance. For my kids to stop arguing.

    1. Unlimited book allowance. Why didn't I think of that. Wouldn't that be great to get kids to stop arguing. There should be a pill for that. haha Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Those are some really great goals. I was taught one that if you can actually achieve it, it's a goal. If you can't, it's a dream. But that a dream could be broken down into achievable goals. So good luck with yours.

    I had lasik nearly two years ago. I LOVE it!

    1. Beautiful. Truly, truly beautiful. Thanks for sharing what you were taught. :D I'm glad I met you!

  4. Anything related to eyes just super squicks me out D: I vote for the surgery!

    I wrote about my writing goals yesterday, but basically, I want to make a living off my writing (and soon, please! I don't have a job otherwise!) And some real life friends wouldn't be bad either. Living in a forest kills the social life.

    1. Come to Utah! I'll be your friend. :D My social life sucks. haha

      I understand wanting to make a living off my writing. I'm ready to move on and devote more time to writing. We can do it!

  5. I'm looking forward to signing my next contract...hopefully soon...

    1. Woot! *crossing my fingers* I hope a contract for my book will come soon too.

  6. Whaaat? BEHIND your eye? That is freaky!
    And I am truly impressed that you can go 21 days without sweets. Well done!

    1. Yep, behind the eye. It took me quite some patience and rolling my eye around to get it to come forward. Now, I'm terrified its gonna happen again. *cringe* I'm looking forward to a nice shake on Monday for my no sweets efforts. I think I'll let myself have something sweet on Fridays from now on. I'll see.

      Thanks for stopping by, Rachel.
