Friday, June 22, 2012

Positive Affirmations

Yesterday, I was talking to a few people at the university I work at. We got on the subject of mathematics courses. In general, many people are or were (*coughs* me) terrified of the tricky subject. One of my coworkers said: "I hate math." Another employee instantly responded with: "Saying that, subconsciously, will condition you to really hate math. You will not succeed in the subject because of that negative self talk." I can't remember her exact wording, but in essence that was the gist.

I took this to heart, friends. As authors, it's a good practice to repeat positive affirmations to ourselves, even out loud. We are freaking amazing for taking this difficult road to write. Often times I fall prey to the negative talk about myself.

Anyway, it's time to throw all that negative junk in the garbage. We are good enough for whatever we do, be it writing, painting, needle pointing, cooking, parenting, sleeping... Well, you get the point.

Recently, I taped up signs around my bedroom and bathroom that say:

I am a New York Times Bestselling Author

I see this phrase no matter what direction I face in my little neck of the woods. I hope that subconsciously it will reinforce that my dream to achieve that very lofty goal WILL happen. It's all about being positive and keeping your eyes dead on your target, whatever it may be.

So, what are your goals? What kind of positive affirmations or positive self talk do you use to keep you going?

Writing. Jewels.


  1. I agree 100% about the positive affirmations. I do them regularly. My most repeated affirmation is "I am a success and profitable author."

    Positive talk is the key to success. As soon as you say it, it's done, now it's just a matter of time before it happens.

    1. Cup half full. Not half empty. Let's keep it that way. Thanks, Jacob for your comment! I really like your affirmation, especially the word profitable. :D

  2. Positive affirmations are important. My dad likes to tell me that 90% (or so) of the battle is of the mind. When I don't know if I can keep going, I tell myself to focus on each little goal and I find myself reaching the end goal in almost no time, despite earlier qualms.

    1. Your dad is wise. It's true, if we put our mind to it, we can do anything. Mind over matter. Yes, little goals are important. It helps to feel better for all the hard work.

      Thanks, Kris for stopping by. :D

  3. Yes, because we tend to be our own worst enemy for that very reason!

  4. These little bits of encouragement go a long way. I just hung my skinny jeans up to remind me why I don't need that second piece of pie. LOL!

    Thanks for the great post. It was lovely.

    1. I love skinny jeans. I'm trying to lose weight. Sweets aren't as good as seeing my weight on the bathroom scale go down.

      I appreciate you stopping by, girl! Sister, if you will (last name). :D

  5. Excellent idea. I may start with a sign that says "I understand grammar" If I tell myself that enough times will I understand it? Cause I'd really like to. It comes in handy.

    1. I could use help in that area too. You're not alone, girl!

  6. It's so important to think positively in this industry. It's tough! We need all the positives we can find.

  7. I really do think outlook has almost everything to do with success or failure.

  8. There's so much truth in that. One of my favorite quotes is "Our perception control our reality, so look for what is right in the world." My only problem is I tend to forget to apply it to ME. Thanks for the reminder.

    1. Donna, I'm gonna have to eat my words here a lot. I'm with ya. Let's be kind to ourselves by being positive. :D

  9. Excellent post. And I do believe the mindset in which we approach it has an effect on the quality of our work.

    1. Beautiful point, Nick! I like the way you think.

  10. There's a lot of wisdom in thinking positive. It is amazing what can affect us on a subconscious level. Writing is tough, but there's no point in making it tougher with negativity, right?

    Great post!

    Angela Ackerman

  11. Positive thinking is the only way to go! Great post. :)

  12. Love it. My goal? Is just to survive the day, hour, minute! LOL. I kid... I do believe positive thinking is a huge factor toward one's success. It all starts with your thoughts, before actions are performed. And there isn't enough time or energy to waste on negative space in your head. Great post, Jules! :D

    1. That's how I feel today ---> I just need to survive it. haha Maybe that's because I'm super tired.
