I hosted a Halloween party at work today. I decided that a prize would be given to the person with the best costume. I bought the prize--a "really cool prize". The soap bottle glows in the dark. Guess who won? Me!!! Funny, I bought the prize and I won! I have to admit that I really wanted to win it. Thanks all those co-workers who voted for me. Well, the costume that won it for me is a bat--quite possible the coolest bat ever! I don't have a complete pic of me as "bat girl" yet, but that will be on a future post. A guy I work with thought I was a dark angel. I gave him a hard time for that, but now I sort of like it. Maybe I can be "dark angel bat girl". Does anyone remember the show "Dark Angel". I loved that show. Well, the second season was sort of weird. Really can't believe that the guy in NCIS was in that show. Anyway, I posted a face shot of my dark angel bat girl costume with this post. That's not my real hair, its a wig! Enjoy!