Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Boston & the City I Had Never Seen... Until Now!

As you are probably reading this, I'm on a plane flying back from my trip to Boston, Massachusetts. But I am composing this by hand (yes, my chicken scratch) in a city named Wrentham. This town is actually where my second book, BOUND, takes place... along with Dublin, Ireland, of course.
It's a long story as to why I chose a city I had never visited. Suffice it to say, today's part of my short vacation has been my total fav! To actually be in a place you've only just imagined is spectacular! I am even more smitten with the city than I was while writing the book.

Imaging my characters moving throughout this fresh and green town while being here makes me smile so big my ears hurt (yes, ears!) I visited sights I chose just from internet research where I set scenes. Holy crapola, folks, what an experience!

This trip has allowed me to see so many great places from Walden Pond (a great writer spent some time here) to Freedom Trail (another sight featured in BOUND) to the beach (during a sandcastle competition to boot).

Anyway, I have enjoyed my trip. Immensely!

So question time:

Have you set a book in a city you've never visited? If so, have you gone there after writing it? Did it meet your expectations?

Well, my time spent in Wrentham met mine and MORE! Tehehehe

PS: Don't forget about my soon-to-be self published book, FÉLICITÉ FOUND's cover reveal tomorrow on Morgan Shamy's blog. The clock is ticking. Tick Tick Tick Are you excited to see it? Well, I love it and hope you do too, along with the story found within it's pages.


Writing Jewels


  1. I tend to make up my own city names, and fake towns, but sounds like a great place.

    1. One of my books takes place in a fake place. It's been fun to develop the world.

  2. My most recent MS was set in three places, two of them being London and Rome. Although I visited both in 2005, I did a terrible job of taking notes, pictures...remembering them! So when I was writing, I felt like I had never visited. I cannot wait to go to both cities and walk the streets my characters walked. It'll be surreal.

    1. I love London and Rome! Sigh Great places to set a book, indeed.

  3. Best you'll be able to add so much more to your manuscript now! Sorry, no spaceship, so I haven't visited the places I write about.
    Looking forward to the reveal.

    1. No space? Well, maybe one day we will be able to go to outer space! Now that'd be coolio!

  4. I've never written about a real place. Most of my stuff is fantasy but even the contemporary takes place in made up places.

  5. I have never been to Boston but I would love too. Seems like such a magical place. Never written about a real place, but my friend Shari has, and she just did a similar thing as you- took a trip there. Sounds lovely.

    1. You should hit up Boston one day, Megan. It is super great! Thanks for stopping by.
