Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Great News and Diving off the Unforgiving Plateau

Hi all!

Last week I made mention in my post that I'm going to do something I never thought I'd do. I said it was going to be a surprise. Well, I'm going to let you know what it is!

***Drum Roll***

I'm going to self-publish my book, FÉLICITÉ FOUND.

And I couldn't be happier. You know why? Well, there are countless reasons, but suffice it to say, I know this is the correct path for me to take right now. I have been aching to be published for so long and have fought tooth and nail to accomplish it. Now, it's time to take matters into my own capable hands and set my little baby free.

Years ago, maybe even three months ago, I'd have thought that taking the self-publishing route was giving up on landing that amazing book deal with a traditional publisher, but no, *stomps foot*, it isn't giving up! It is pressing forward and on my terms.

I had an agent and that didn't work out. I'm going to be my own agent for a while until I decide to seek out traditional publishing again. Of which, mind you, won't be far off. :D

Anyway, I've felt like I've been coasting on this unforgiving plateau for so long, and it's just time to do something; to jump off the linear path I've been trudging through, and do something. I'm taking a chance and am giddy beyond words to do this thing. I'm going to be published!

So, here are the details, folks:
  • Release date is August 12, 2013.
  • Available for e-book purchase through Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Available in paperback through Createspace.
  • Cover Reveal will take place on the lovely Morgan Shamy's blog next week on Thursday, July 25, 2013. Just thinking about the cover makes me so happy I could die.
  • Check out my book here on Goodreads (and add it to your to-read list--please).
  • I will be doing a book blog tour from August 12 - 16 on various blogs. More information to come. If you'd like to take part in sharing the news, email me at writingjewels (at) gmail (dot) com.
Well, that's that. I hope you're excited. I know I am... Well, I'm pretty terrified too, but if I don't "Seize the Day" then I'll never know what beauty could have resulted from this wicked cool venture.


Writing Jewels


  1. Welcome to the club. Exciting times!

  2. Congratulations! You know I'll be happy to announce it when it's released.

    1. Oh, I will definitely have you announce it! You're the best!

  3. Congrats, the way to go for me always, but it is a ton of work

  4. I'm excited!! I've been crappy about keeping up on blogs since the baby but I was just thinking I wonder what happened with her book? It sounded really good! Now I can read it and soon! Good luck chica!

    1. I'm glad you stopped by, Andrea! Good to hear from you!

  5. Congratulations! I'm so excited for you. ☺

  6. Congrats! I see more and more authors taking this route and many of them having just as much if not more success as those who went the traditional publishing path. Good luck!

    1. I hope to have some success with my venture. It's gonna be great!

  7. Congratulations!! Good luck on this journey. I'm excited to see your cover!

    1. I'm excited to reveal the cover too! Thanks for the congrats!

  8. Congrats and good luck with it all!

  9. Best of luck to you, Julia. Now, you have to focus on marketing your book. You might want to take a gander at my post on the perils of platforming and how to ease past them:

  10. oh goodness, this is so exciting!!! I will buy it! good luck!

  11. Congrats on your decision. Go you! I figured that out when it showed up on Goodreads. :D

  12. Best wishes on the adventure!

    Blessings and Bear hugs!
    Bears Noting
    Life in the Urban Forest (poetry)

  13. So exciting! Good for you, and best of luck.

  14. I'm really looking forward to reading Felicite Found!
