Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Great News

I've got some great news for you all. No, no... I don't have a publishing deal. Aww shucks. But I did find a new job! It's located in Salt Lake City, Utah. It will be a fresh new change for me, since I've worked at my current job for three years now. Change is good, right?


I'll be moving Salt Lake City which will be incredible. I've lived in England, California for a brief stint, and Taiwan, but never anywhere outside of Utah County, Utah. This will be a new adventure for me.
This is happy Julia!
Anywho, I start my new job on October 1 and hopefully will be living in Salt Lake City before then. I'm so not going to commute. This is all sort of crazy and whirlwind. I'm nervous, not only for the move, but for the "new job learning curve". I hate not being able to dive head first into a job without being able to do it perfectly from the get go.

This is similar to writing (at least for me). I want my stories to be flawless from the beginning. That stems from having to go through my first book so many flippin' times, more times than I have fingers and toes. Talk about exhausting. It has gotten to the point that I don't want to look at it anymore. Ugh! Sucky.

But writing, as for day jobs, is a work in progress. We've got to realize that Rome wasn't built in a day (pardon the cliche). Good things will happen when they happen--sometimes not on our timetable, either. Thus be the writing industry.

Well, I feel blessed right now. I am getting the chance to have a needed change in my life and to progress professionally. If it weren't for a lot of rooting on from family and friends, including a whole bunch of Facebook followers, I'd have bombed the interview. I nailed it, though and what do you know, I got the job with high compliments from my soon-to-be employer.

Not to brag or anything. haha

Well, now you can congratulate me... LOL Anyway, how is your writing going? Day jobs? Life in general?

Loves and hugs from...

Writing. Jewels.

PS: Another piece of good news: I'm getting my hair trimmed and colored tonight. Goodbye splitends and grey hair.


  1. Congrats on your new job. The downside is we can't be CP neighbors like we planned, but that's okay. You're going to rock the SL valley! :)

    1. I know! I know! Soo sad. Seriously, David...Being CP's with you guys was a major reason for me to stay in Utah County. But alas, the commute would kill me. Ugh!

      Thanks for the congrats!

  2. Good luck with your new job, but I feel bad for Jill. Are you going to open your job up to the public?

    1. Thanks, Donna! I know... I'm gonna miss Jill too. :( The position is being opened up in house first. That's how cool my job is. haha

  3. Congrats an the job and the move! Hope it the transition all goes smoothly.

    1. Thanks lots, girl! I hope this move and job learning goes goes smoothly, too.

  4. Congratulations! Glad you nailed the interview. Sometimes changes are exactly what we need.

    1. I didn't just nail the interview, Alex! I blew them out of the room to the next city. It was thaaaaaattttt good! haha Thanks!

  5. That's great news - congrats! And good luck with the move. :)

  6. You're gorgeous, girl. And HUGE congrats! Wish I lived up in SLC! (It's where all my fam is!)

    1. You can come visit me, Morgs! And thanks for the compliment and the congrats!

  7. Oh ConGraTs!! Moving can be a bit stressful but sometimes we need the change and you'll be settled in before you know it!

    1. Thanks, Elise. I just barely got settled into where I'm living right now. What am I thinking moving again. hahaha

  8. Congratulations! I've heard that Salt Lake City is a beautiful place.

    I also recall having more drafts of my first book than fingers and toes. I now try to plan better, but I am currently rewriting my YA novel. Best wishes for keeping up the writing while in transition!

    1. I know, right? How am I going to keep up my writing with learning a new job. But writing isn't paying the bills right now, so what am I to do? *shrugs* Thanks, Julie! And SLC is pretty, especially all the mountains.

  9. Congratulations on your new job! It sounds like a new adventure is waiting for you. :) Maybe you'll find some writing inspiration there too. :)

    1. Doing the adventure dance! haha I dance terribly, so watching me dance would be an adventure in itself. LOL

      Thanks, Krista!

  10. Congratulations, Julia! :) That's fantastic!
