Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Insecure Writer's Support Group: Battling the Storm Within

Here's to another lovely edition of the Insecure Writer's Support Group. I'm posted today instead of tomorrow due to the U.S.A Fourth of July holiday. Topic today ---> there's one thing that constantly gets in the way of my writing:


Yep, you read correctly. Me. Me. Me. I think that might be a common connection between writers. Here are some reasons why I get in the way:
  • I'm my own worst enemy
  • Laziness 
  • There's a storm brewing inside
  • I get distracted
  • Lack of motivation
  • Writer's block
  • Being overwhelemed
I'd like to focus on one of those items on my list. There's a storm brewing inside. For me the initial battle is getting myself sitting in front of the laptop with the Word document opened. I write when I get home from work or on Saturday. Now, folks, the last thing I want to do after a long day at work or on my weekend, is to work again. I get tired really easily, therefore, I can only do so much. But these are the only times I can really work on my writing.

When I arrive home, about 40% of me wants to relax, 40% wants to write, and 20% is giving me a guilt trip for not being productive. The tug-of-war continues until my mind feels like it will explode. If I choose to relax, at the end of the night I'll feel terrible. If I decide to turn on the laptop and work, I'll feel accomplished and happy with the results of a good nights writing/editing.
The trick is to get myself at the laptop. When I get home, I automatically get my laptop out and ready to go. I'll get dinner and then plug in earbuds and I'm off. It takes me a few minutes to get into the groove, but once the music drowns out the world and I'm invested in my story, I'm loving the process.

So, whatever gets in the way of your writing figure out a method to overcome it, then move forward. You can do this! Man, if I can, anyone can!

Do you get in the way of your writing? What are the things you battle with when it comes to writing? How do you conquer the sludge that keeps you from writing or progressing with your art with words?

Writing. Jewels.


  1. I'm beat when I get home at night, but that's my only time to write. I usually play my guitar before writing, and the trick is to go from the guitar to my computer instead of the TV.

    1. Yep, my downfall is Netflix. Darn all the great shows (ie: Doctor Who and Stargate SG1) haha

  2. I suffer from the same affliction. Lately, I've been playing a track list of music that reminds me of my story so when I get home the first thing I want to do is continue.

    1. Music works wonders. In the past, I had to have it completely quiet. Now, it's all about the tunes. Keeps me focused. Great advice to use music that reminds you of your book. :D

  3. I love this post - who among us can't connect to this one. My biggest enemy at the end of the day is exhaustion. I just want to stare at the TV, not actually think and "work" like you said. My goal for tonight is plug in the earbuds and avoid the TV. Great post ;)

    1. You can do it, Kimberly! I actually am working on beta'ing for a friend. Great!

  4. Right now I'm in "go" mode... so every spare second I have, I'm writing... if I don't, it won't get done. I'm even sacrificing sleep... staying up 'til 1:00 or 2:00 to get things done. TOTAL sacrifice! But you're amazing, Jules. You know yourself. Have your down time, and have your work time. There's balance to all things! (Right???? LOL)

    1. You are so great! All of us are different but still get the job done. And we all know our limits or how far we can push ourselves. I definitely couldn't stay up until 2. LOL Keep on working hard, babes.

  5. I just submitted my first book to LDS publishers. Now I'm waiting. And I am trying to write... But... It's becoming very easy to day to myself, "What if the first book doesn't sell? Is there any point in writing anything else?"

    That's my biggest problem now.

    1. Oh, dear Gina, you keep on writing. For one, it'll keep you busy so you're not going crazy during the wait. Second, it'll keep your creative muse flowing. And you're totally awesome, so keep writing.

      I wish you ALL the luck in the universe! :D

  6. Thanks for giving us a glimpse of how you overcome your fears. I think my worst enemy is my negative self. I often battle those voices of negativity which tell me not to bother about writing. It's only been a recent thing for me to think that this is quite normal. Other than that, TV. Good luck with your writing. Cheers

    1. Those blasted negative voices. Don't worry, I fall prey to them and I'm pretty darn sure almost every other writer out there does too. Good luck with your writing too. Ciao

  7. My biggest battle is just finding the time. Between 3 kids and a husband who strangely didn't need attention until I got a 'hobby', it's hard to find the time to write, blog, network. But I'm doing it because writing is something I believe in.

    Found you through IWSG Kelly

  8. I used to write after work, but that hadn't been working out lately so during the week I shifted my writing time to be when everyone else goes to bed. I'm sure this will only last for the summer and come winter I'll be writing after work again. Weekends are another story. Any free time (and I usually can find some) I spend writing.

    Stopping by from IWSG.

  9. I was nodding my head at every item on your list, BTW!

    But regarding this one, I think the biggest motivation is fear of lost time. It's the school holidays now so I'm getting up at 5am to write and kids/wife aren't up til about 8! It's not so hard for me because that's when I get up during the school year to get them ready (my stepson has complex needs). However, one day this week I slept in. I was kicking myself!

    But I'm always really tired when I get up, so it generally takes about 45 mins to get started... (this is when I get the washing done).

  10. I am EXACTLY the same way! I stand in my own way too often, and have to find ways to stay positive and productive when it happens.
