I decided that yoga would be a great form of exercise for me. I've been rather stiff lately and it has made doing cardio not so great. I used to be able to go gung ho for 45 minutes on the stair climber; now, well, I plea the fifth.
Let's just say I pretty much suck at yoga right now. My balance is a fiasco of highly hilarious proportions. And my legs shake more than leaves on a tree during a serious wind storm. It reminds me of the first time I ever went rock climbing. Yet, I kept on gripping and stepping my way up the fabricated wall of death. If it weren't for me trying to impress my boyfriend at the time, I probably would have given up. Nah, I would have finished just not as speedy.
I have found a great website to teach me the strings. It is DoYogaWithMe.com. I hope to find my balance while doing the moves to the point where I can hang out there on one of my legs like a flamingo. Right now I don't stand as gracefully.
This makes me think of writing. When I began writing my first book, I had no idea what I was doing, but I kept on writing. Little by little, I learned how to write. I ended up reading some books about writing fiction novels, and that helped immensely. The books are: Self-Editing for Fiction Writers: How to Edit Yourself into Print by Renni Browne and Dave King & 38 Most Common Fiction Writing Mistakes: (And How to Avoid Them) by Jack M. Brickham. Also, betas and critique partners steered me in the right direction.
Anyway, my writing has excelled a great deal; however, my yoga expertise is in the novice stage, but it will only get better with time as my writing. Just keep writing, that's all you can do.
Have you done yoga? If so, how long did it take you to get a handle on it? Do you know of any great yoga websites? What have you done to learn how to write better?
Writing Jewels