I attended an essential oils party. I had used a particular oil this company produces some years ago and was only going to purchase it. That was not to be the case.
With a stroke of pure destiny and, I think, a miracle from God, the presenter randomly brought up an oil that she normally doesn't discuss. She passed around the bottle and said we all could taste it. The moment the oil registered with my taste buds, I knew, absolutely KNEW, my body needed this herb. Because of my excitement, the presenter read what the oil is used for.
Oddly enough, it helps with so many physical ailments I have suffered with for over a decade. A little while later, she read from another book of how it can help emotionally. I almost started crying by how spot on it was for me and what I struggle with on a daily basis.
Obviously, I ordered a bottle of it with high hopes that it will aid in my physical and emotional well-being. I did this because my body reacted so clearly that it was for me. I bought it because I need greater motivation in so many areas of my life, especially writing.
This "party" I attended was heaven sent. An essential oil might improve my bodily pains, energy level, clarity, confidence, and so many other aspects of my life.
My eyes cloud over with emotion as I type this. I want to share my stories that are kept prisoner in my brain; my mind that more often than not holds me back. I want to be free. My body must know a path to offer me that freedom. The freedom to create. The simple act of tasting an oil has opened my mind to the possibility of liberation. Sigh.
I hope it works! I will keep you posted. :)
What are your thoughts on the body knowing what it needs? Has giving your body what it needs set you free so you can fully embrace your talents and ultimately life? Has it helped your writing?
Writing Jewels